Light Body

Love is the Only Answer…

“Behold, I have told you before.”We have printed in heavy type the statements to which we wish you to pay particular attention. We especially want you to note that we seem to be living in the days about which Jesus was prophesying. It is true that many times in history have there been those who claimed those particular times were meant. But we are now facing a period when the whole world is involved in the conditions mentioned, when previously only a few countries or at most one continent were affected. We are now in the midst of wars and rumours of war.

“These things must come to pass.”

High Priests and High Priestesses of Melchizedek

As many of you know, the Grail Cup is far older than Christianity. It was used during the Atlantean Era by Enoch. It was used by Melchizedek to Bless Abraham atop Mt. Tabor and thus initiate the Jewish Spiritual Current. The Cup of Manna is one of the key forces within the Ark of the Covenant. Traces of the ancient Atlantean-Enochian Cup can be contacted through the Celtic myths of Ireland and Wales. The Cup which gives everlasting Life is found in many different religions.

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