Master Alchemists Light the Fire of Love

Alchemy, the most sacred science of all. The science of self-transformation. The Art of Precipitation…
consciously controlling mutations within matter and ~energy~

As awakened souls, Master Alchemists and warriors of Camelot, we are being asked to demonstrate these truths. To consciously choose in each moment, a new direction for earth and her children, one aligned with the higher frequencies of the 5th dimensional energies of Love and beauty that are arriving and bathing us in Christ Light.

As conditions arise in our personal lives that trigger old worn out patterns of reactionary, emotional responses…we as Master Alchemists-have the power to precipitate and transform this distorted energy into something positive as we embrace higher vibrating thoughts and begin to make conscious choices to live in peace, harmony and love.

We have forgotten we own this magic. The magic of transformation…the power to transform all that is not desirable…dark, depressing and distorted…into light, life, love and golden opportunities.

It is time to step forth in our glory, power and position of  “conscious thought creators” and be the Master Alchemists – “Knowers of the All-Chemistry of God,” that we were meant to be, precipitating a world of beauty, grace, honor, peace, abundance, joy and love.

The new Camelot, the Golden Age on Earth is in our minds waiting for expression and the time is now.

As these new powerful energies envelop earth and raise vibratory levels, the eons of built up emotional sludge lying deep within all things, is being released. Our duty as Master Alchemists is to transform this emotional sludge as it arises to be inline/online with Divine LOVE.

It begins at home…in our minds. These things cannot manifest until we think them first! We are the creators of our world so how can we possibly think we can create a world of peace, love and harmony when our minds entertain dark, dense, fearful thoughts?

As Divine Intelligence expressing Divine LOVE, it is through us and our conscious use of this power that every negative condition is transmuted into a positive one for nothing can remain dark that is embraced by Light. We are the transmitters and the generators of that Light with the power to mold it and shape it.

Love, joy, peace, freedom are all energies and attributes of ascension, the energies of Love. SuperNova 1987a, photons from the center of the galaxy and super charged solar flares (among other celestial events) are all participating in this eternal dance of Love and Light.

Where there is Light, there is Life – there can be no lack, limitation, disease, struggle or pain. Lower fear driven frequencies have no place in the New World being created by the higher vibrating frequencies of Light.

We are Master Alchemists…we own the power to transmute and translate every condition, thought and pattern and weave a symphony of peace, harmony and love into our personal life as well as the earth grid in preparation for the New Earth – the New Compensation, New Paradigm….New HU-man…the New Golden Age of Camelot.

As a Genie is empowered to magically do our bidding, we’ve been granted a “love wand.” This is our personal tool to use whenever we feel emotional automated negative responses/reactions to any condition surfacing. 

Rather than reacting…allowing emotions to control the situation, pause, reflect and reach for your magical “love wand!”!




Choose to consciously act in a manner inline with unconditional love.

Allow your “wand of love” to magically sprinkle the sparkle dust of Divine Love all around and through each condition as it arises.  Assign only the most beautiful descriptive words…the most divine adjectives you can imagine to every situation that presents itself in your life and watch the essence of love transform and work its magic.

As you wave your “love wand,” these magical sparkles begin to move at the speed of Light in a dance that goes far beyond space and time, changing colors and lovingly arranging themselves around each circumstance. Every negative, dark, slow vibrating condition/molecule is transformed into one of beauty and grace, one that vibrates with the speed of Light and reflects every color of the prism.

One that is the pure essence of LOVE.


Wave your magic love wand! You have this power!! Yes, yes you do!

But its of no use unless you claim it and use it!

Create diamonds from coal, turn your lead into gold.

Transform hate into Love, dark to Light and death to LIFE!

This is the Power of LOVE in Action…and you are the Source.

“See every situation, no matter how it looks to your human eye as an opportunity to express to yourself, the true beauty and the true love of what you are about.”


Your Glory is beyond words and your Love is beyond measure… 

Romping in the Playground of Love!


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