Who Are You?

Alice in Wonderland CaterpillarIn my last post, I mentioned the caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland who asked Alice, the proverbial, universal question, “Who are you”? Alice was quite befuddled and I bet many
of us are when asked the very same elemental, yet profound question.

Knock, Knock who is there?

I submit that part and parcel of our spiritual journey is that very quest; traveling the inward journey to discover who we truly are.  There are many models to employ in navigating the unknown terrain of our mysterious inner world.  What are the forces inside our psyche that gives our power away, assists us in decision making, relates to authority, controls our defense mechanisms or encourages/kills our dreams? Who is it that we dialogue with when our patterns are operative and in full swing?  They are entitled Archetypes, energies that are employed to defend our issues/wounds or guardian angels who create alchemy for our highest good.

Archetypes are our friends and allies who our souls fraternize with in our collective and individual unconscious along life’s journey. These essential forces are innate to the experience of humankind and integral to our life’s lessons.  Depending upon the contract our soul agreed to, we invite and attract four universal and other primal energies to teach and guide us along the way.

What we do not observe has power over us.

If there is a part of us that is hidden, that we are in denial about, that which is too painful for us to see, does it have control over us?  Perhaps, and if so, as workers of the light, is it not our prime responsibility to shine the light with open heartedness and courage on anything that is blocking or veiling us from being and recognizing all that we are?  This part of us, the part we are in denial of is called the shadow.  It is the part of us that we can see in others, not ourselves.  It is the part we project onto those in our path and choose not to see in ourselves.

Would it not be prudent to identify our patterns and illuminate the energies that are functioning within our psyche?   Prodding into our psyches and self talk with the objective observer will free us from some of the veils that hinder the recognition of our true state, spirits of love and light.  If we do not understand the properties, qualities, resources, benefits or abilities that the new technologies contain, when operating them, we may only use a small percentage of what is available to us.  I believe that we may liken this to the 90% of our brain that is dormant, we live life with only 10% of the powers inherent.

Universal Archetypes

Carl Jung, an Austrian psychologist, studied with Freud and went on to create his theory about
Archetypes.  They are the elemental universal forces that control our passions, desires, feelings,
motivations, behaviors, actions, which imprint our personality and contain positive and negative aspects.  Each of us possess at least 12 that are individual to our essence and mankind engages with  four universal archetypes.  They are: the Victim, the Child, the Prostitute, and the Saboteur.  All four of the archetypes are paramount in our growth whether we are working negatively or positively with their qualities.  They are extremely important as defense mechanisms protecting us from pain until we are developmentally prepared to confront a particular aspect or energy pattern that controls
us that we may be in denial of.

The Victim

The Victim cries out about how unfair life is when it deals cards we cannot accept.  It sees us as vulnerable and powerless and the only ones that are suffering.  Life or someone is the bully and we are defenseless creatures, poor unfortunate souls.  The positive aspect of the Victim alarms us to our wounds and weaknesses, our fear of getting hurt or victimized.  It urges us to step beyond one of the
natural human feelings to remain paralyzed from fear when being oppressed.

The Child

The Child’s energies seeks to be dependent and taken care of.  It is the force that is fundamental in the energy that rules lack of responsibility and accountability, whereby the mature authority figure provides what is needed and gets the work done.  The polarity is the insight into what we need to become, like children in our faith, simplicity and purity.  The Child may forewarn us if we are moving into a damaging pattern that keeps us unaccountable or needy.

The Prostitute

The Prostitute is the compulsion to sell our soul to stay in the status quo or our comfort zones.  It is the energy that keeps us in a relationship, job, career, belief pattern, love interest, spiritual journey that no longer works for us because it is safe and in the harbor, so to speak.  When we recognize the prostitute archetype operating it will forewarn us that we are stagnant, in entropy, not facilitating the power and indwelling talent waiting to be unleashed.  It will nudge us towards our unique talent and the piece we have to offer to create the world we want to live in.

The Saboteur

Finally, the Saboteur, the ruler that defeats us when we are working towards a dream, creative license, intuition, or belief in ourselves.  It is the devil’s advocate that states, “you, who do you think you are”?  You are not smart enough, strong enough, do not have enough resources, attractive enough, to do….  You will fail badly… ”  When acknowledged and accepted the saboteur will counsel us to beware of our fear of success, our fear of failure, that you may have what you dream, see what you imagine, taste what you desire.  The Saboteur educates us that no one wins when we hide our light under a bushel.

Transforming the Personality

Do you wanna’ dance under the moonlight… it is time to take your archetypes by the hand and
dance, dance dance.  Discern who you are dancing with daily, create an ally, another spiritual guide to assist you in the magical adventure of truly learning who you are and what your life mission is.  This exploration will lead you to a clearer more lucid understanding of the energies that you abide with. Once you have stared them in the eye, they will support your transformation and mentor you in completing your contract, sealing your mission and living your dream.

Remember a few of the transfiguring edicts the great teachers and masters gave forth as pathfinders for our ultimate good: “To thine own self be true”, “knowledge is power”, and the answer to “who are you?” may be to pioneer the path to “know thyself”.  When we have a deep inner knowing of our Being, we curtail and eventually cease judgment; allowing us to walk the walk of the Christ, only seeing God in all, considering that to judge is to overlook our omnipresent God.




  1. Sara

    Wow…I liked this post. It’s been ages since I studied Jung and the archetypes. I could see all of them playing a role with me. I guess it’s a good thing that I can see them!

    Also, reminding us to see BOTH the negative and the positive aspects of these archetypes is helpful and important. I think with Jung, the negative has often been portrayed more than the positive.

    BTW I loved this line in the post, “Do you wanna’ dance under the moonlight… it is time to take your archetypes by the hand and dance, dance dance.”

    This is such a great way to envision dealing with the archetypes. I thank you for reminding me to me more aware of these in my life and I’m working at learning to dance with them:~)
    .-= Sara´s last blog ..Picture Story: Picture Quotes =-.

    1. Suzen

      Hi Sara,
      I agree with your point about emphasizing both aspects of what the archetypes offer us, just like every experience and relationship, our soul is seeking expansion if the other parts of us are open to the window of opportunity. We are so aware of these energies in others and when we find it distasteful, we may be sure that we have some dancing to do with that same force within ourselves.

      Like Kathy has mentioned before, pieces of the puzzle needed to complete the whole. How frustrating is it to do a 1,000 piece puzzle and not be able to find all the pieces after working on it for how long?!

  2. Janni Lloyd

    Wow Suzen! Excellent! The gifts to be revealed and shared from each archeype………
    Thanks for sharing this. I just need to repeat some of your words –
    Do you wanna’ dance under the moonlight… it is time to take your archetypes by the hand and
    dance, dance dance. Discern who you are dancing with daily, create an ally, another spiritual guide to assist you in the magical adventure of truly learning who you are and what your life mission is. This exploration will lead you to a clearer more lucid understanding of the energies that you abide with. Once you have stared them in the eye, they will support your transformation and mentor you in completing your contract, sealing your mission and living your dream.

    infinite blessings Janni
    .-= Janni Lloyd´s last blog ..A secret of the ‘Fountain of Youth’ ……. =-.

    1. Suzen

      Hi Janni,

      Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could meet, greet, break bread with, challenge and give gratitude in all things?! Bringing our dualiistic experience into one celestial song, now that is the yellow brick road to immortality…

      Don’t worry, be happy fa la la la la!
      Thanks Janni, you immortal joy!

  3. Kathy Dobson

    Ah Suzen…wonderful. And, you’ve included my own personal mantra: “to thine own self be true….” Words I have lived my life by.
    And, is it not the Saboteur that convinces us to do something…such as stay home from work one day (when we know we should be there) with such cunning words as: “you haven’t taken a day off in a long time…stay in bed etc. etc.” Then it is the very same voice a few hours later that will chide us badly by saying: “you stupid idiot why did you stay home when you knew there was something important you had to be there for?” “That was a bonehead move…staying home from work…you are such an idiot sometimes” But wait…isn’t that the same voice that convinced you to stay home in the first place?
    Recognizing these things, we realize how cunning this voice is.
    We need to be aware of how things operate…;)
    Love…love, Kathy
    .-= Kathy Dobson´s last blog ..Who Are You? =-.

  4. Janni Lloyd

    Suzen and Kathy,
    You’ll both enjoy the paradox in this wonderful quote from Douglas Adams ‘The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy’ –

    Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much, while all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time.
    The dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent, for precisely the same reasons.

    .-= Janni Lloyd´s last blog ..A secret of the ‘Fountain of Youth’ ……. =-.

    1. Suzen

      Looks like you have been doing some dancing, looking those allies in the eye, taking them by the hand and saying, Aha, gotcha, no more Chinese circcus for me…! Yeah objective observer…

      To thine on self be true, what does that ask of us and what does it look like? I believe much more profound and deeper than what meets the eye…
      Love you!

    2. Kathy Dobson

      You would both enjoy Enigma’s music, specifically…
      “The Dream of The Dolphin”…the lyrics include this:
      “Man is the dream of the Dolphin…” how bout those ‘food for thought words!” Think about those words again…!

  5. Nadia - Happy Lotus

    Hi Suzen and Kathy,

    What a beautiful post! For many years, I held on tight to my story which was based on past pains. I was so immersed in my pain, it became my identity.

    Then spirituality entered my life and thus began a fantastic ride. Eventually, I came to see that my story was not who I was at all and then I began to peel off all the labels that had been stamped on my by others and myself.

    It took a lot of work and confronting a lot of issues to make me realize that who I am at my core is far more impressive than I ever realized and no one can tell me who I am. Only I can define myself and the beauty is that we are all important and significant in our own way.

    Hope all is awesome and thank you so much for promoting the concept of being true to ourselves.
    .-= Nadia – Happy Lotus´s last blog ..When in Doubt: To Be Like John or Jesus? Part One =-.

    1. Houssam

      Hi Steven,Thanks for taking the time to cmnmeot I appreciate it. I know what you mean about wishing you had more time to read, too. Books are candy and I want to accumulate their words like Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory! I used to listen to tons of audio books when I formerly had to commute hours every day. I’m glad I don’t have to rely on audio books anymore, but I still spring for occasional ones when I know the author is the narrator and someone who I admire.Best to you and I’m sending you lots of positive energy that you’ll find a way to read more often.

  6. Suzen

    Yes Janni, the dolphins have it down and don’t even mind that we think we are superior. They understand electromagnetic fields and communicate by vibration, they are patient because they are quite aware that we are not only on our way but the universe is supporting us in an energetic field of the most powerful pure light our planet has yet to experience.

    Joseph Campbell said, “people are mistaken in looking for life’s purpose in concrete and noteworthy ways. The only purpose there is… is to feel the rapture of being alive.” Our loving and compassionate dolphin friends are calling us with utmost compassion!

  7. Suzen

    I thnk our mortal experience is similar in so many ways and thus creates, thankfully, a deep understanding of the ride we are on.
    Like being on a roller coaster, we could commiserate about the butterflies in our stomach at specific intervals…

    The pain we feel is a disconnection, a loss, the pain is speaking to us, and if we do the work you speak of Nadia, it leads us to the recognition that we are all highly, uniquely significant, as you commented. Thanks for your instruction Nadia, it is a universal experience.
    When we are the victim it is a flawed relationship with ourselves, when we open to our Spirits, we know we walk on holy ground and realize that we are that which we seek.

  8. Janni Lloyd

    Hi Kathy and Suzen,
    I’m excited and wanted to share the following with you both and your readers. ‘What if?’ the movie by James A Sinclair has won an award and is currently sold out!
    Winner Best Feature Documentary Film at the Monaco Film Festival Angel Film Awards!
    There is a 20 minute segment specifically on physical immortality philosophy – it commences with the question –
    What if ageing and even death are just programs ( in the subconscious ) that you can change? James A Sinclair
    The movie features interviews with Dr Bruce Lipton, Brandon Bays, Dr Joe Dispenza, Ashleigh Whitworth, N.D., C.Ht , Dr Bernie Siegal and many more.
    James A Sinclair in his directors comment from the movie ‘What if?’ had this to say ‘ I think physical immortality is such an interesting topic because it really puts us back into the NOW. You know if we are waiting for death and we think something is going to be better, then we spend most of our life preparing to die and getting to a place ,heaven or whatever. But what if heaven is within us and it’s a state of consciousness and when we realise that, perhaps our bodies will pick up on that realisation which they will and perhaps we have the choice to stay in the body as long as we want, we can live for thousands of years.
    And if you are living in joy and in peace and in abundance and life is unfolding in a new and interesting way every day, why would anyone want to die?’

    The momentum for physical immortality philosophy is increasing exponentially ! (-:

    Lots of love and blessings Janni
    .-= Janni Lloyd´s last blog ..Physical Immortality – the mass possibility Dr Janni Lloyd =-.

  9. Suzen

    Chills down my spine girl, people get ready there’s a train a comin’…no, it’s here, gathering like minds who are opening to all possiblities. James Sinclair’s documentary ” What If?” is the Winner Best Feature Documentary Film at the Monaco Film Festival Angel Film Awards! YES!!! So very exciting…
    Thank you kindly for sharing this with us, looking forward to see “What If?”, so wonderful that the concept is now introduced on the big screen.

  10. Jeanne

    Potent post, Suzen, thank you for it — and for generating all the incredible wisdom and insights in the conversation that followed! And thank all of you for: the dancing, the dolphins, the concept of a celestial song, the What If movie, and for Joseph Campbell’s “The only purpose there is… is to feel the rapture of being alive.”

    Whenever you / we publish such profound thoughts, I think we’re putting all our readers on an altar and lifting them up.
    .-= Jeanne´s last blog ..Oneness, Best Described =-.

    1. Suzen

      So nice to connect Jeanne. What a splendid and spot on comment… “whenever we publish such profound thoughts, I think we’re putting all our readers on an altar and lifting them up.” Fantastic vision, metaphor, and oh so true. Divinely inspired thoughts of our highest nature are the energy generated to take us to the Promised Land. We are so blessed to have each other.

      Reminds me of the scene, in the movie, Mary Poppins, when all the characters levitate because they are sharing the same energetic field in laughter and fun thoughts…
      With gratitude, love, and joy, I say amen!

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