Copied from:https://www.geni.com/people/Annalee-Skarin/6000000001710526999 Annalee Skarin (Kohlhepp) |
Birthdate: | (88) |
Birthplace: | American Falls, Power County, Idaho, United States |
Death: | January 17, 1988 (88) Red Bluff, Tehama County, California, United States |
Place of Burial: | Corning, Tehama County, California, United States |
Immediate Family: | Daughter of Frederick John Kohlepp and Mary Ella Kohlepp Wife of William Michael Gorman; Hugo Joseph Avarell and Reason Eugene Skarin Mother of Avon Everett Gorman; Hugo Joseph Avarell; Annalee Hope Hilton and Linda Lee Moat Sister of Eda Amelia Kohlhepp; Earl Kohlhepp; Frederick William Kohlhepp; Constance Margaret Kohlhepp; Sara Ella Kohlhepp and 5 others |
Occupation: | Author |
Managed by: | Private User |
Last Updated: |
There is talk of Annalee not ascending. Talk I just cannot buy into. I concur with this powerful article.
Author attribution at the end.
We’ve talked about a few of the ascension giants; but what about the little people? Wouldn’t all of this feel closer to home if we knew that some ordinary, everyday person had made it through the Eye-of-the-Needle? This is why I love Annalee Skarin’s story. She’s one of us, just an average human being, and she made her ascension in 1952.
Raised in the Mormon Church, Annalee Skarin believed in her heart that immortality could be achieved through the devout application of Christian principles. Her writings were considered heretical because while she accepted the idea that virtuous souls could die and go to heaven, she regarded that pathway as the ‘dreary, back door entrance’ and openly endorsed ascension as the better alternative.
If you’ve ever been exposed to the iron fist of Mormon fundamentalism, it should come as no surprise that the church patriarchs weren’t exactly pleased with Annalee Skarin’s revelations. Accused of blasphemy for daring to suggest that all of us are God, she was excommunicated by the Latter Day Saints after the publication of her first book, ‘Ye Are Gods’. Unwilling to embrace her during her life, it was only after Annalee ascended that she was deemed worthy enough to be readmitted to the Mormon fold.
Her ascension story is as simple and straightforward as she was. On July 16th, 1952, at the home of Sally Franchow, Annalee announced that it was time for her to depart and proceeded to vanish into thin air. Conflicting accounts as to what actually took place grew out of that event but, on the day that it happened, The Deseret News reported, “Many were convinced that the woman had indeed gone heavenward.”
Questions as to whether or not she actually made her translation into spirit have been raised by some. Reading through the various perspectives it soon becomes clear that those who attempt to discredit her seem to choke on the fact that her truth negates theirs.
As most of us know the outer teachings of the Christian church are founded on the belief that we’re here to emulate Christ. In the same breath we are told that the average human being is too sinful to qualify. Other sects get around this ‘Catch 22’ by maintaining that the ascension was/is a total fantasy, even for Christ, and that the whole tale is just a beautiful metaphor.
If her opponents have a problem with Annalee Skarin it is for one reason only: when the nice lady from Idaho translated into spirit she not only made it blatantly obvious that any one of us could do the same, she became living, 20th Century proof that, even for a woman, there is a definite pathway to heaven. Would it be stretching things too far to think that Annalee Skarin might have something to do with the rise of the Female Light, and the idea that, even an average, everyday woman could be a standard bearer for it?
If it suspends belief to think that eight more books were written after her ascension, it may help you to recall that spirit goes both ways. Aside from her purpose as a scribe, Annalee’s love for her husband, Reason, and her desire to assist him in reconnecting with his God-self gave her yet another excuse to move back and forth across the veil. New Age rumor suggests that Reason and Annalee Skarin are now working as a team. They have been known to appear in the same way Saint Germain, The Merlin, and others, like Mother Mary do, materializing at will in order to share their truth and their experience with people all over the world. Both Annalee and Reason Skarin emphasize the importance of gratitude, praise, and love as the keys to the ascension mysteries. If they are here with us it is because they have come to assist; which gets us to the heart of the matter.
If William Q. Judge was right when he said that, ‘this is an age of transition men’s minds are only preparing for an alteration into that state which will permit the race to advance to the point suitable for these Elder Brothers to introduce their actual presence to our sight’, as we make our entrance into the Age of Light, do these accounts of their presence help us to see that something big enough to require it is definitely on? And, do we understand that in bearing the torch of truth across the Ages that the Masters of Wisdom are also here to teach us everything we need to know about the ascension process?
If we can stretch our minds far enough to embrace all of the above the next question is: With so little time, what would it take to close our eyes, enter our hearts, and open the conversation? The following excerpts from Li Po’s, ‘Ascended Master Dictations’ seem to suggest that all we have to do is pick up the phone:
“The Masters are behind the scenes, behind the veil. We need to learn how to draw them in closer by concentrating our consciousness on them; getting to know them through study, making contact, reaching out to them We have to take responsibility for reaching out to them in our dimension. They cannot otherwise come into, and affect, our lives unless we give them permission either by thought, calls, or actions To draw them in closer we, too, must work for the Plan, for the Light. It is easy. We can begin to feel them move closer as we draw them into our consciousness, being, and world. They will eventually expand in us and take over our world at our request. This is how it is done if you want to make contact. There is no big secret; except this will not work for evil intent. It will only work in love. Only love can draw us up into the Ascension.”
On the brink of a dimensional shift, it makes sense that all our support and instruction would come from another level. What also makes sense is the idea that only those who have been through the ascension process would be qualified to instruct us in its mysteries. If ringing up The Great White Brotherhood is too much to wrap you your mind around, ask yourself where else are you going to find the information you need right now? We can only be taught by those who have gone before us. Those who have gone before us may be invisible to our sight but they are very much here, and my sense is that our individual and collective ascension process begins when we open our minds to include that possibility.
About Cal Garrison
Cal is a writer with four books to her credit.
A professional astrologer with 35 years experience Cal has cast over 6000 charts and is one of the best in her field. She is also an expert on the Tarot. When shes not running the Spirit of Ma’at office, or working on her books, Cal spends her time doing in depth astrology and tarot readings for people all over the country.