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  1. Sondra Ray

    Hi I have written a book you might find aligned with yoyu Phyical Immortallity How to Overcome Death. I would like to know you. Sondra

    1. Kathy Dobson (Post author)

      Hi Sondra – Synchronicity and love at work. I am most honored that you stopped by! Of course I knew your name immediately and some of your books (I am reading the one mentioned as we speak). I believe you felt my energy for a few reasons. Just a few days ago, I was looking up trying to find out where Robert Coon is and I came across that pic of you speaking about Robert in Bali. But more importantly, Mother Mary has been at the forfront of my consciousness lately – was speaking about her last night and your new program about Liberation Breathing from our Divine Mother is powerful. I would love to know you as well – we are resonating, kindred spirits who have reconnected through Love. Much love and gratitude your way – Kathy (dropping you an email in the a.m.)

  2. Hi Kathy

    Love your blogs especially the ones on Love and the path to Immortality.I live this. it was refreshing to see you writing about it.I believe, feel and experiencing that this is the day and Now is the moment for its full manifestation in our lives as we live from this Divine Heart Consciousness. I am a singer and guitar player in which I create music to flood with Love and Light. I call myself The ETHEREAL Frequency. I fully gave my life for this prpose after being laid off from the work I was doing in the Hospitality Industry. I knew then it was time to release this music which comes so deep from my heart to share with the world and elevate and flood in Love and Light through this Light sound of Divine Love. I’d be honored for you to listen to it and see if it is something you resonate with. Much Love. Here is a youtube link to my music which also has other links to my album, social media. Thank You!
    Jamie – The ETHEREAL Frequency – People call me Ethereal in which I identify with in the Divine Nature of My Being.´s last blog post ..The ETHEREAL Frequency – Live Recording – Soul Restoration/ Sleep Healing/Meditation-Relaxing Music

  3. Kay Williams

    I am gratified and someone amazed to find your website. Yours and mention of Leonard Orr and Sondra Ray, and here I see you have reached out to each other.

    I searched just last night for “physical immortality,” and found you. (somewhere I read that when there are a lot of “I” in a message, that means a person is insecure.) I see a lot of “I”s and do not dispute the insecurity.

    I channeled a book decades ago and mostly set it aside, because the connection to anyone else about it didn’t feel like the same energy. It was a private experience. Just yesterday I re-read it and was kind of surprised to find out it is mostly about physical immortality. Which was discouraging in a way because I thought “who on earth is thinking about this” and surely the topic rules out sharing it. But now seeing that you also wrote about this and have maintained a web presence and the energy is alike, this is letting me cry a bit for the loneliness can fall away.

    I had it uploaded to a long time ago and never promoted it and no one ever saw it or bought it. So here i have it as a physical book, it isn’t very long, only about 65 pages. Can I send you a copy? I will be happy to.

    I am in rural Kentucky living on a farm. My name is Kay.


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