
Hello and welcome!Me_Stephi_Chris_Mom_Dad

I thought it was time to introduce myself to those who might be curious about me 😉

At the right, you’ll see me with my mom and dad, daughter Stephanie and son Chris. My daughter Shannon was not with us at the time. Mom and dad have passed on now to greater adventures.

My life has not been a lot different from yours. Full of JOY at times and struggles at other times. I was raised in a family of 8 children with mom and dad being stout Catholics. That gave me a great foundation for my love of God. In fact, I can not remember ever wanting to know anything more than I wanted to know about God.

At 24, I married a wonderful man and together we raised three children. During that time, I had my  own awakening which I spell out in my second post here called “My Immortal Journey.” That was over 40 years ago.

I had awakened to my own understanding and acceptance of Immortality. With that understanding came great responsibility. Although I lived in a world that believed that death had power over us, I lived my life knowing that I was physically Immortal.

There’s only one thing that will get you into the 7th Heaven,  there is only one way to evolve your being to the next level of hu-man existence…. and that’s your own “will to be there.” That’s one quality I had plenty of.

So, I am here to share with you what has been shown to me. I know it as my TRUTH…for it lives within me.

If you should find comfort in these words…if you should resonate with what’s written on these pages, please stay, learn and grow with us and join our community of Immortalists. If these words have not touched you in any way or shaken up your world to want to know more, know that it is not your time and that you are exactly where you need to be…and I honor your world as much as I honor mine. For, I only see God…and all is perfect.

In Joy, with Love…


  1. Janni Lloyd

    I really like your last paragraph here Kathy – ‘..if you should resonate with what’s written on these pages, please stay, learn and grow with us and join our community of Immortalists. If these words have not touched you in any way or shaken up your world to want to know more, know that it is not your time and that you are exactly where you need to be…and I honor your world as much as I honor mine. For, I only see God…and all is perfect’
    I just posted this elsewhere, some similar feelings. It is a quote from Robert Coon’s booklet ‘Immortality – 23 questions and answers’. –

    ‘Immortals do not regard themselves as being, in any way, superior to mortals. The expansive, inclusive nature of physical immortality precludes such things. There are no separations,divisions, or heirarchies present in the immortal point of view. We are all in life together here on earth. All of us, regardless of the length of our life span ,have useful and creative contributions to make to the quality of the cultures in which we reside, and to the quality and direction of the greater planetary civilization as it develops over the coming decades and centuries.

    There is an immortal momentum in history and evolution which is growing in strength .We can contribute to the construction of a global immortalist civilization more readily if we acknowledge the presence of this momentum, and then harmonize our own efforts with it.

    Physical Immortality has featured in imaginative literature for many centuries. It is often found as a motif in science fiction. Some visions of immortality are restrictive and negative. Others are positive and inspirational. It is important to remember that real everlasting life is always an advance into greater liberty and conscious control over the choices in ones life. Physical immortality is the perfection of liberty. It is a pathway which progressively overcomes all restrictions. It is a pathway which leads to superabundanies of health,joy and creativity.’

    blessings Janni

    1. Kathy Dobson (Post author)

      Wonderful piece Janni…you are wise indeed. When someone has reached the point of recognizing God in all things…even things that we labeled negative before…it is at this point that there are no more hierarchies because there are no divisions or judging. Everything is equally important for each thing…each person holds a place in the puzzle and without them holding their place, would we have ours? Therefore it is all equal in importance.
      Love to you Janni…Kathy

  2. Master Melvin M. Lusterio

    The Good Force be with you!

    It is great to know you are Physically Immortal!

    Live forever & prosper! <3 O:) *

  3. Christina Mickel

    Hi Kathy, I just found your “Physically Immortal” site. Seems like you have had it for several years. Anyway, I have been reading it & will continue to. THANK YOU for creating this!!!!! Love & many blessings to you, dear Heart.

    1. Kathy Dobson (Post author)

      Hi Christina…
      Yes, this blog was started back in 2009 but like all things in life, it took a much needed rest for a while and regrouped. And now it is back full steam with resonating and kindred souls like you enjoying and contributing to the divine content.
      So happy to see you here!
      Love and magic…

  4. Shailaa Stillwater

    Kathy you have created the most beautiful Immortality Site. You share deeply from the Heart and connect with us all in a most loving way. Thank you for all that you are and all that you share.
    Shareall Joy

    1. Kathy Dobson (Post author)

      We are deeply resonating souls Shailaa and my life has brightened so much with the addition of you and William. A most grateful heart! Together our energies (along with others) are lovingly bringing forth perfection in our ourselves and this perfection reflects and manifests in our beautiful Gaia. We are creating our true Camelot, our Heaven on Earth. xoxo


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